Tags: bicycle symbol, sign
Bike Love found a whole philosophy of life in the wooing and winning of my bicycle. – Frances Willard
Always Wear A Helmet The bicycle is the most civilized conveyance known to man. Other forms of transport grow daily more nightmarish. Only the bicycle remains pure in heart. – Iris Murdoch
Bicycle Repairman What do you call a cyclist who doesn’t wear a helmet? An organ donor. – David Perry
Tags: bicycle lock, heart
In 1941 I finished at Allison Intermediate School (grades 7-9), and started at North High School, commuting by bicycle about 5 miles from home to school. – Vernon L. Smith
Tags: bicycle words, biyccle symbol
Ride Bicycles paceline: Group of riders riding at high speed by drafting one another. Riders will take turns at the front to break the wind, then rotate to the back of the line to rest in the draft. Larger group rides will often form double pacelines with two columns of riders. Sometimes referred to as […]
Tags: bicycle symbol, bicycle words, forever
Ride Forever sprinter: Rider with the ability to generate very high power over short periods (a few seconds to a minute) allowing for great finishing speeds, but usually unable to sustain sufficiently high power over long periods to be a good time triallist, and is usually too big to have a high enough power-to-weight ratio […]
Tags: bicycle symbol, heart
Love Bicycle Every so often a bird gets up and flies some place that it’s drawn to. I don’t suppose it could tell you why, but it does it anyway. – Ian Hibell
Tags: man on bicycle, sign
Bicycling is a big part of the future. It has to be. There’s something wrong with a society that drives a car to workout in a gym. – Bill Nye
Tags: bicycle symbol, statement
Happiness is a Bicycle Ride Away Slow travel now rivals the fly-to-Barcelona-for-lunch culture. Advocates savor the journey, traveling by train or boat or bicycle, or even on foot, rather than crammed into an airplane. They take time to plug into the local culture instead of racing through a list of tourist traps. – Carl Honore […]
Ride Bicycles Company drafting: To ride closely behind another rider to make maximum use of their slipstream, reducing wind resistance and effort required to ride at the same speed.
Tags: bicycle symbol, man on bicycle
I came out for exercise, gentle exercise, and to notice the scenery and to botanise. And no sooner do I get on that accursed machine than off I go hammer and tongs; I never look to right or left, never notice a flower, never see a view — get hot, juicy, red — like a […]
Tags: bicycle symbol
Forever My favorite movie ever is ‘Bicycle Thieves.’ – Jennifer Morrison
Tags: man on bicycle
Racing is one facet of the sport of cycling, but not every ride has to be a race. Yehuda seems to have been born knowing this; I learned it that long-ago day in May; and Joe has yet to realize the fact that the ride itself is the reason to ride. – Bicycling Bill
Tags: bicycle symbol, rural, urban
The bicycle is ergonomically tailored to the human form and psyche, yet I wonder if a hithero ‘undiscovered’ native tribe, when presented with a bicycle, would ever be able to determine what on earth it was for. – Borin Van Loon
Tags: bicycle symbol, statement
Ride Longer, Live Longer I’m fascinated by the sprinters. They suffer so much during the race just to ge to the finish, they hang on for dear life in the climbs, but then in the final kilometers they are transformed and do amazing things. It’s not their force per se that impresses me, but rather […]
Tags: bicycle words, cogs, heart
Love 2 Ride Ride your bike, ride your bike, ride your bike – Fausto Coppi
Sun Rides What makes a great endurance athlete is the ability to absorb potenial embarrassment, and to suffer without complaint. I was discovering that if it was a matter of gritting my teeth, not caring how it looked, and outlasting everybody else, I won. It didn’t seem to matter what sport it was–in a straight-ahead, […]
Tags: bicycle symbol, chain
If my career were a hairstyle, it would be helmet-head. – Laura Dern
Tags: bicycl symbol, bicycle words, statement
Save Our Bicyclists I had a dream about you. You were on a bike going 70 miles an hour, I could see you approaching my car in the mirror. You were trying to say something so, I jumped on the brakes as hard as I could, I guess I forgot I had tied your bike […]
Tags: bicycle symbol, repairman
Cycling The journey of life is like a man riding a bicycle. We know he got on the bicycle and started to move. We know that at some point he will stop and get off. We know that if he stops moving and does not get off he will fall off. – William G. Golding
Tags: statement
Your Eyes Sparkle Lke Bicycle Reflectors When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised that the Lord doesn’t work that way so I stole one and asked Him to forgive me. – Emo Philips
Tags: freedom, man on bicycle
Bicycles are Freedom Someone told me about drama schools, and they seemed like mythological places – you can really go and be in drama classes all day? I inadvertently entered into this world where people wore bicycle clips and did song-and-dance routines in the corridors. – Nick Moran
Tags: bicycle symbol, man on bicycle
There’s a tremendous amount of work building the apparatus, getting the experiment to work. But sitting there late at night in the lab, and knowing light is going at bicycle speed, and that nobody in the history of mankind has ever been here before – that is mind-boggling. It’s worth everything. – Lene Hau
Granny gear: The lowest available front and rear chainrings… think about the gear you need to keep riding instead of walking up a mountain pass.
Tags: man on bicycle, statement
Ride Your Bicycle My favorite courses are nasty, technical downhills that frighten my mom. – Josh Ivey
Tags: anarchy, bicycle symbol
After your first day of cycling, one dream is inevitable. A memory of motion lingers in the muscles of your legs, and round and round they seem to go. You ride through Dreamland on wonderful dream bicycles that change and grow. – H.G. Wells, The Wheels of Chance
Tags: bicycle symbol, eyes, man on bicycle
I bicycle 12,000-foot mountain passes, run, cross train, skate-ski, hike and mountain bike. – Carre Otis
Tags: bicycle words, collage
The bicycle is a former child’s toy that has now been elevated to icon status because, presumably, it can move the human form from pillar to post without damage to the environment. – Brock Yates
Tags: man on bicycle, peloton
I simply haven’t the nerve to imagine a being, a force, a cause which keeps the planets revolving in their orbits and then suddenly stops in order to give me a bicycle with three speeds. – Quentin Crisp
Tags: bicycle symbol, life
Live Life, Ride a Bicycle Whenever I see an adult on a bicycle, I have hope for the human race. – H.G. Wells
Bicycles may change, but cycling is timeless. – Zapata Espinoza
Tags: girl, man on bicycle
Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride. – John F. Kennedy
Ride Bicycles Company pump: colloquial verb meaning to give a second person a ride on a bicycle, also known as giving a hike. The passenger may balance on the handlebars or the seat, while the biker stands to pedal.[
Bicycles are the indicator species of a community, like shellfish in a bay. – P. Martin Scott
Tags: bicycle words, statement
Bicycle Snob Wind is just a hill in gaseous form. – Barry McCarty
Tags: statement
For all those who are stuck in traffic on their way to the gym to ride a stationary bicycle.
Tags: man on bicycle, mtb
Before the Down For instance, the bicycle is the most efficient machine ever created: Converting calories into gas, a bicycle gets the equivalent of three thousand miles per gallon. – Bill Strickland
Tags: bicycle symbol, cycle way
Cycle Lanes Everywhere I thought of that while riding my bicycle. – Einstein
Tags: bicycle symbol, sign, statement
May Use Full Lane I think the most ridiculous sight in the world is a man on a bicycle, working away with his feet as hard as he possibly can, and believing that his horse is carrying him instead of, as anyone can see, he is carrying the horse. – George Bernard Shaw
Tags: cogs
Cyclers see considerable more of this beautiful world than any other class of citizens. A good bicycle, well applied, will cure most ills this flesh is heir to. – Dr. K. K. Doty
Tags: bicycle symbol, statement
How To Improve Your Day Step 1 : Ride Your Bicycle Step 2 : Repeat Step 1
Fast Folks I’m gonna show you a hill that would choke a mule. – President George W. Bush
Tags: girl, heart, man on bicycle
crosstraining: combining sports for mental refreshment and physical conditioning, especially during cycling’s off-season.
Well, I don’t ever get excited. I haven’t been excited since I got a Chopper bicycle when I was about 12. Once you get older you realise there’s always a catch to everything. So when I get, say, a commission to make a TV show, the catch is that you have to deliver something and […]
Tags: bicycle symbol, statement
The funnest way between two points is on a bicycle! I love the bicycle. I always have. I can think of no sincere, decent human being, male or female, young or old, saintly or sinful, who can resist the bicycle. – William Saroya
Tags: man on bicycle, statement
Make Your Own Path Marriage is a wonderful invention: then again, so is a bicycle repair kit. – Billy Connolly
Tags: bicycle symbol
There’s a lot more pressure when you’re a medal favorite. Now, nobody has any expectations for me. Nobody knows what I can do, so I’m riding with nothing to lose. – Chris Witty
Tags: bicycle words, cars, statement
Drivers angry over bikers need a relaxing hobby. May we suggest bicycling?
Tags: bicycle symbol, fist
Well, you better ride like you stole something ’cause you are about to win a stage in the Tour de Fance. – Lance Armstrong
I still feel that variable gears are only for people over forty-five. Isn’t it better to triumph by the strength of your muscles than by the artifice of a derailer? We are getting soft… As for me, give me a fixed gear! – Henri Desgrange
Tags: bicycle symbol, bicycle words
Bicycles Bars and Beers A bicycle ride is a flight from sadness. – James E. Starrs
Tags: bicycle words, statement
Nothing Compare to the simple please of a Bicycle ride.
Tags: man on bicycle, walking
Bike Walk What’s with these recumbent bicycles? Listen, buddy, if you wanna take a nap, lie down. If you wanna ride a bike, buy a bicycle. – George Carlin
Tags: bicycle symbol, heart
Cycling makes women fresher in mind and body, and renders them far more companionable than the bloodless, limp, namby-pamby damsels who occasionally indulge in the drinking of tea and making of crochet mats. – Brighton Gazette
Tags: bicycle symbol, forever
Forever Messengers and mountain bikers share a common chromosome. – James Bethea
Tags: bicycle symbol, statement
Rule # 12 The correction number of bicycles to own is n+1.
Tags: bicycle symbol, recycling
Tags: bicycle symbol, bicycle words
Bicycle Eyeview It’s like “Animal Planet,” except with bicycles instead of animals. – Ryan Seacrest
Tags: bicycle symbol, cyclist, live
Live Love Ride His voice was so gravelly I could drive a truck on it. And I would have, but I came carrying my bicycle. – Jarod Kintz
Tags: bicycle symbol
Go Out The bicycle has a soul. If you succeed to love it, it will give you emotions that you will never forget. – Mario Cipollini
Tags: bicycle symbol, statement
The bitterness of poor quality remain long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.
Tags: bicycle symbol, man on bicycle, wings
If all feeling for grace and beauty were not extinguished in the mass of mankind at the actual moment, such a method of locomotion as cycling could never have found acceptance; no man or woman with the slightest aesthetic sense could assume the ludicrous position necessary for it. – Marie Louise de la Ramee
As one does a bear riding a bicycle. One sees it so rarely. – Scott Westerfeld
Tags: bicycle symbol, peloton
It’s the first machine we master as children and the one we abandon when the seductions of the automobile take over. – Colman Mc Cartly
Tags: bicycle symbol, statement
Work Sucks! I’m going riding… Somebody took my bicycle tire, my bicycle seat, and both my pedals. They stole my whole unicycle! – Jarod Kintz
Cycle Cycle Work to eat. Eat to live. Live to bike. Bike to work. – Unknown
Tags: man on bicycle
When I go biking, I repeat a mantra of the day’s sensations: bright sun, blue sky, warm breeze, blue jay’s call, ice melting and so on. This helps me transcend the traffic, ignore the clamoring of work, leave all the mind theaters behind and focus on nature instead. I still must abide by the rules […]
Tags: bicycle symbol, forever
Cycling is forever Perhaps the single most important element in mastering the techniques and tactics of racing is experience. But once you have the fundamentals, acquiring the experience is a matter of time. – Greg LeMond
Tags: bicycle symbol, bicycle words
Cycle and Cycle – Bicycles at Law The advantages? Exercise, no parking problems, gas prices, it’s fun. An automobile is expensive. You have to find a place to park and it’s not fun. So why not ride a bicycle? I recommend it. – Stephen G. Breyer
Tags: bicycle symbol, evolution
The Bicycle of Revolution The Cycle of Evolution
Tags: bicycle words, cogs, heart
Tags: bicycle symbol, idea
I enjoy getting to work on ‘Saturday Night Live’, where I get to do people like David Paterson. And then, its like a different muscle to do someone like a bicycle guy on’ Portlandia’. – Fred Armisen
Mend Your Fuelish Ways If were not a man, I would like to be a bird. As I am a man, I do the next best thing, and ride a bicycle. – Rev. Maltie
Tags: bicycle words, pedal
Pedal Power Cycle tracks will abound in Utopia. – H.G. Wells
Tags: car, man on bicycle, statement
Look for Cyclists Off the bike she was like a smoker without cigarettes, never sure what to do with her hands. As soon as she got off the bike, her heart was expected to perform all these baffling secondary functions like loving someone and feeling something and belonging somewhere – when all she’d ever trained […]
Tags: bicycle symbol, car, walk
Do The Mix Right With the heaps of overly specialized gear — gloves, shoes, and biking jerseys — most cyclists realize that every day on the road is Halloween. Plain and simple, it’s wearing a costume each time out of the gate.…We’re neon signs, stylistically impaired wonders blinding pedestrians and fooling small children into thinking […]
Tags: bicycle symbol, statement
Bicycle – The brand is not important, the fact that you ride is! I work at a newspaper. I’m not a journalist; I’m a deliveryman. Well I will be, as soon as I get my bicycle’s flat tire fixed. – Jarod Kintz
Ride shifter: A component used by the rider to control the gearing mechanisms and select the desired gear ratio. It is usually connected to the derailleur by a mechanical actuation cable. Electronic shifting systems also exist
Tags: bicycle symbol, statement
Want Something Will Find A Way; Consider a man riding a bicycle. Whoever he is, we can say three things about him. We know he got on the bicycle and started to move. We know that at some point he will stop and get off. Most important of all, we know that if at any […]
Tags: bicycle symbol, idea
To prepare for a race there is nothing better than a good pheasant, some champagne and a woman. – Jacques Anquetil
Tags: bicycle symbol, man on bicycle
Ever bike? Now that’s something that makes life worth living!…Oh, to just grip your handlebars and lay down to it, and go ripping and tearing through streets and road, over railroad tracks and bridges, threading crowds, avoiding collisions, at twenty miles or more an hour, and wondering all the time when you’re going to smash […]
Tags: cogs
In Cuba, I didn’t even have a bicycle. – Yoenis Cespedes
Tags: girl, man on bicycle, statement
I Wheelie Like You What was supposed to be a summer of fun on the bike turned into a year, then two years. It certainly wasn’t a calculated plan to have a career as a cyclist. – Derek Bouchard-Hall
Tags: bicycle symbol, opportunity
You You What Lies Outside Of Your Comfort Zone Opportunity
Tags: bicycle symbol, statement
It’s not the DESTINATION… …it’s the glory of THE RIDE
Tags: bicycle symbol, cogs
When my legs hurt, I say: “Shut up legs! Do what I tell you to do! – Jens Voigt
Tags: bicycle symbol
I never want to abandon my bike. I see my grandfather, now in his seventies and riding around everywhere. To me that is beautiful. And the bike must always remain a part of my life. – Stephen Roche
Tags: bicycle symbol, sign
Bike Friendly Throughout human history, in any great endeavour requiring the common effort of many nations and men and women everywhere, we have learned – it is only through seriousness of purpose and persistence that we ultimately carry the day. We might liken it to riding a bicycle. You stay upright and move forward so […]
Tags: badge, bicycle symbol, heart
aerodynamic: a design of cycling equipment or a riding position that reduces wind resistance; aero for short.
Tags: bicycle symbol, statement
Young rider pick a destination and go… Older riders pick a direction and go…
0015 – Bicycle of the Heart Communication is a skill that you can learn. It’s like riding a bicycle or typing. If you’re willing to work at it, you can rapidly improve the quality of every part of your life. – Brian Tracy
The best rides are the ones where you bite off much more than you can chew and live through it. – Doug Bradbury
Ride Bicycle Company To be a cyclist is to be a student of pain….at cycling’s core lies pain, hard and bitter as the pit inside a juicy peach. It doesn’t matter if you’re sprinting for an Olympic medal, a town sign, a trailhead, or the rest stop with the homemade brownies. If you never confront […]
Tags: bicycle words, cyclist
Bicycling, a quiet statement against oil wars. The bicycle, the bicycle, surely should always be the vehicle of novelists and poets. – Christopher Morely
Tags: bicycle symbol, statement
Slow Bicycle Society Is it not time we stopped riding our bikes and began to drive them? Similarly, who ever drove a car? We ride them. Words Matter. – Andrew Shrimpton
Tags: man on bicycle, sign
There is beauty in silence and there is silence in beauty and you can find both in a bicycle! – Mehmet Murat ildan
What I absolutely want is to suggest that before it’s anything else, redemption is God mending the bicycle of our souls; God bringing out the puncture repair kit, re-inflating the tires, taking off the rust, making us roadworthy once more. Not so that we can take flight into ecstasy, but so that we can do […]
Tags: child, man on bicycle
Bike Bicycles are the new rollerblades, talentless is the new talented, and I’m in hog heaven. – Ryan Seacrest